The 5th Annual Dirty Dozen was held on Sunday, November 29th. 7 riders rode on a cool [high Temp. of 50 degrees F] cloudy, foggy day with periods of rain. The riders were:
Danny Chew
Tom Chew
*Matt Eaton
*Todd Mooney
*Warren Delraso
*Max Bergholz
*Adam Goldstein
* Denotes a first time rookie Dirty Dozen rider.
Winning every hill except Berryhill (my brother Tom won), I was deemed the "Strongman". We replaced Greenleaf (after the cobblestones were paved over) with Sycamore St. Tom flatted 5 times and Adam once. I did 16 hills including High St./Seavey Rd. twice, and Canton Ave. 3 times. My father Hal (following behind in the "Greenhouse" with food) got lost between Sharps Hill & Pig Hill. Kent Badger of the Pittsburgh Press newspaper took pictures of us. Tom rode up Pig Hill on my bike while I fixed his flat. My mother saw Bob Gottlieb & Jay Wolkoff at the Pittsburgh Symphony instead of riding the DD.